Cast lists,shot plans,storyboards, , costume designs

Cast List
Detective Silverman- Daniel Monaghan

Policeman- Daniel Parkin

Mysterious murderer- Peter Leech

Mrs Jones- Fiona Linsley

Dead body- Ryan Brown

Radio reporter- Stephen Linsley

Shot plans/ Storyboard

These shot plans are just forecasts of what i would like my trailer to be like, they are not definite shots of the final pproduct.

Costume designs
Detective John Silverman
  • Fedora-These hats were very common in all of the old film noir trailers i watched.
  • Suit- the detective needs to have "scruffy" look but also needs to have a sofisticated, smart look as this is a requirement of his job role.
  • Always holding a brown bag with a glass bottle in
  • Smart shiny shoes
Mrs Jones 'Femme Fatale'
  • Red dress
  • High heels
  • Bright red lipstick
  • Always hidden face
  • Suit
  • Fedora
Uncredited Detective
  • Not important in the trailer
  • suit
  • fedora
Dead Body

  • Suit fedora
  • weapon?

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