Film trailers analysed

The Dark Knight Rises

dark knight rises
The genre of this film is a superhero action genre
The Narrative
The start of the trailer starts off with a calm setting this calm is almost unsettling to the audience as they feel the suspense building up to something big, then we meet a few characters and the trailer becomes more intense, there is a piece of dialogue saying 'there is a storm coming Mr Wayne' this lights the fuse in the trailer as after this the trailers tempo increases and there are explosions and we see intimidating men holding gun. The trailer then takes a more sinister turn as we see people being grabbed and taken away and peoples homes being robbed and destroyed and the people are helpless against this. then we see a larger build up of the action that is happening and then we see a series of unconnected parts of the film and we see policemen and the batman fighting the criminals which insinuates a revolution against the crime and then the trailer cuts out which leaves the ending up to the audiences imagination.
The Unique selling point (USP)
The unique selling point of the dark knight rises is that the film is the third in a very successful trilogy of batman films and so it can relate to fans of the prequels also batman is an extremely successful and popular comic book hero and so it can use this as a unique selling point also there have been previous batman films that are not part of the trilogy that have accumulated allot of fans and so the film has this as a unique selling point.
Target Audience
The film most probably had an original main target audience of males however as the film companies want as large range of people to aim at kin order to increase revenue, The film has a larger target audience, first of all their is the target audience of comic book fans, specifically batman comic book fans as the film is related to the comics as it has the same villains and plots etc... The film could also be aimed at couples as there is the love interest between batman and cat-woman. also Batman was a successful programme on television during the late 60's and the early 90's and so this film could be aimed at a large range age also the film was given a certificate of 12A and so it could also be aimed at families.
The trailer starts with a young boy singing his voice is there to build suspense as it is a very calm voice and it is also very eerie due to the echoing voice and so it gives the audience the idea that something bad is about to happen 'The calm before the storm.' Then we hear a dialogue from Alfred which comes from another part of the film the voice is sad and so adds emotion to the audiences viewing of the trailer we then see Alfred talking with this dialogue and we see his tearful eyes and the audience gets a stronger emotional response.Then we get the voice of the young boy singing the American national anthem again which signifies the anxiety faced by the Americans in the during the war of 1812 at the battle of Fort Mchenry and so this anthem being sung indicates anxiety that Gotham is about to face during a war against evil.Then we get a drum boom and the anthem becomes more intense and quiet, and then cat-woman says 'you think this can last , There is a storm coming Mr Wayne' and then we here a drum which is parallel with the explosion on screen, and in the trailer it gives the audience the impression that cat-woman is in some ways a femme fatal as it seems as though she is the trigger for the disruption of the peace.we then here chanting of 'des Des deserah' repeated this gives the audience the impression of war commencing and that this chant is a war chant. There is a intense tune that is rising in sound and tempo which is there to build intensity and suspense in order to put the audience on the edge of there seat. we are the n informed by dialogue between two characters that 'des Des desarah' means rise and that it is a voice urging on the 'good guys'.Then the music gets to a peek an we hear drums and explosions which gives the audience intense action and then the trailer ends.
at the beginning of the trailer the shots are slow and give the audience a sense of normality and calmness up until about 45 seconds through where the pace of the shorts fastens up which mirrors the action seen in the trailer and then when the action of the trailer gets more upbeat so does the pace of the shots.
The Special Effects
The trailer has special effects like explosions and destruction e.g. The American football field falling through after an explosion. the special effects give the audience an idea on the type of film 'The Dark Knight Rises' is gong to be even though there is not a great amount of footage shown the explosions show the audience that it is going to be an action film.
Credits and inter-titles
The action ends with the batman logo which disappears and the words 'the dark knight' which links it o the prequel the dark knight bu  then theses words are followed by the word rises which shows that they are different films. It then says 'the legend ends summer2012' which tells the audience that it is the end of the dark knight trilogy. we are then shown the list of directors and actors etc...

The hobbit trailer
Epic, Action, adventure
A quiet hobbit that isn’t very adventurous gets pulled into an adventure along with a group of adventurers and is put in danger and becomes stronger as the trailer progresses as he has a weapon.
Unique Selling Point
The thing that makes this film sell able is the fact that it is the film of a bestselling book, and is also a prequel to a trilogy of really successful films.
Target Audience
The film is aimed I think mainly towards the male gender but the film could also be be for almost every age group because the book of the film is an old classic so parents and grandparents may have read it and want to go and see the film also as the film is an epic adventure movie it will attract teenagers and as the age certificate is 12A the target market is expanded to the possibility of it being a film for the family.
The music at the start of the film is quite happy and was also   in the trilogy of the lord of the rings and so it gives the viewer the idea that the films will be similar, but not far into the trailer about 25 seconds the mood of the music changes it gets more intense which reflects the probable storyline of the film as the change in music is probably the change in emotion Bilbo the main character has, then the music becomes more upbeat and almost seems comic, this reflects what is going on in the trailer as the images are funny, this music also reflects that the main characters adventure is starting and he is naive, this music is very brief though and soon changes to a very intense song that leads into the more action side of the film and it connotes danger and fear. Then the music quiets down as a character says ‘I cannot guarantee his safety’ then the music becomes epic and loud which reflects the action of the images in the trailer.
The Genre
It is a horror this is shown by all of the scary images on screen also the intense sounds we here with sharp noises that make the audience jump.
The trailer starts in a girls mind it is a nightmare, she then is woken by her father who comforts her and tells her it is only a dream The young girl then starts to have illusions similar to the horror she saw in her nightmare, but then she is sharply hit back into reality, she then believes she is being followed and informs her father he is worried and his voice becomes distressed, her father opens the door and we here a scream and so we believe something bad has happened to him, the young girl meets a boy and that connotes that there is a possible love story in the film,the girl goes home and her a farther isn't home she is obviously worried due to her frantic movement and distressed voice. The young girl opens a box and pulls out some sort of medallion and then the walls start going black and the intense drumming noises return which connotes that the opening of the box initiates the real horror starting. They are then kind 0f teleported to the young girls dream world where the boy she met screams in pain as if he has been attacked with a knife from behind, The girl is then shown venturing the nightmarish world alone which tells the audience that something did happen to the boy she met, it also gives the audience and intense feeling that she is in really big danger, We see many ghostly looking people in the town that she is walking through this gives the trailer an eerie feeling that something scary is about to happen we then see the young girl running away which connotes that she is scared and someone or something is trying to hurt her.
The Unique Selling Point (USP)
The unique selling point of this film is the fear factor also the film was originally a video game and so it can market its self on different formats also there has been a previous film called silent hill which has a similar plot so it can use this to sell to fans of that market.
The Target Audience
The target audience is age 15+ as this is the certificate age given to the film also the film could target fans of the original video games of the film as they may want to see the game in a film also fans of the original 'silent hill' will ant to see it to compare and contrast between the two.
The music throughout the film is intense the trailer opens with drums and wind this gives the audience a clear indicator to the genre of the film as it sounds creepy.The music then turns to a loud intense heartbeat which also connotes fear, Then a calm happy tune starts when the father calms the girl down and the girls nightmare has stopped.Then when the girl is in school she has an illusion and the music gets intense and scary, The happy piano tune starts again when the young girl meets a boy this connotes he will keep her safe and happy,Then a suspenseful tune starts when the girl is panicking and then it continues into the build up of he r returning into the nightmare.
The pace to begin with is extremely fast this is because the girl is having a night mare and the images are flying around in a frantic manor which connotes her fear. Then when the girl wakes up and her mind calms down the pace is slower as her mind is at rest and the pace is mirroring her mind Then the horror starts again and she starts to panic and as the fear in her mind increases so does the tempo of the shots.

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