Risk assessment

Controlling risk
Recording your findings
The photograph could be destroyed and also could hurt the models and the photographers eyes if they are outside for long periods of time.
Making sure to not spend too long outside, maybe use a wall to block out the sun to prevent the photo being ruined
by only spending a small amount of time in the sun i prevented the people involved being damaged by the sun
Artificial light
The large plug in light can be very powerful and could really damage my models eyes, it is also on a very thin pole and so is quite unstable and so could fall over.
dont shine it directly at anybodies eyes also make sure it is on a flat surface and get someone to hold it up right in order to secure it from falling.
by making sure the light was kept away form direct contact with anyones eyes i prevented them from being damaged also i kept the light on flat ground and got a friend to hold it steady this stopped it from falling
the wires from the light could make someone trip over.
selotape the the wires to the floor in order to make sure no ones feet could get caught on them
by selotaping the wires down i prevented anybody from falling over and this stopped potential injury and possible damage to equipment.

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